Name: Prof. Ir. Teuku Faisal Fathani, Ph.D., IPU.

Degree Discipline Institution Year
Ir. Professional Engineering – Civil Engineering PSPPI Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia 2018
Ph.D. Geotechnical Engineering Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan 2002 – 2005
M.Eng. Geotechnical Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia 1998 – 2001
S.T. Civil Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia 1993 – 1998


Trainings/ Post Doctorates Year
Strengthened Indonesian Resilience: Reducing Risk from Disasters
GNS Science, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), New Zealand
Visiting Professor
Public Policy Center, The University of Iowa, United States of America
October 2013–
March 2014
Post-doctoral: Geo-disaster Mitigation and Environmental Geotechnics
Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Ehime University, Japan
January– February 2010
International Experts Workshop on the Characterization, Communication and Mitigation of Risks Arising from Multiple Hazards
NERC-ESRC-DEFRA and University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom
May 2009
Volcanology and Sabo Engineering
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Tokyo, Japan
March–September 2001



No. Experience Year
1. Head of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering UGM
2021 – present
2. Director of Research and Technology. Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Republic of Indonesia 2022
3. Director of Center for Disaster Mitigation and Technological Innovation UGM (GAMA-InaTEK)
2017 – present
4. Adjunct Professor of UNESCO Chair on Geoenvironmental Disaster Reduction
2018 – present
5. Vice President of the International Consortium on Geo-Disaster Reduction (ICGdR)
2013 – present
6. Vice President of the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL)
2021 – present
7. Director of World Center of Excellence on Landslide Disaster Reduction – International Programme on Landslide (WCoE IPL-UNESCO)
2011 – present
2017 – 2020
8. Co-Director of Strengthened Indonesian Resilience: Reducing Risk from Disasters (StIRRRD)
2011 – present
9 Head of Master Program on Disaster Management (MMB), Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada
2018 – 2020
10. Technical Advisory Committee – Indonesia Disaster Resilience Initiatives Project (IDRIP), BNPB-BMKG 2021 – present
11. Member of Bridges and Road Tunnels Safety Commission (Komisi Keamanan Jembatan dan Terowongan Jalan), Ministry of PUPR 2019 – present
12. President of the Alumni Association of SMA Taruna Nusantara (IKASTARA) 2020-2023
13. Project Leader of SNI 8235:2017; SNI 8840-1:2019; ISO 22327:2018; ISO 22328-1:2020 on Multi-Hazard Early Warning System 2015 – present



No. Certifications or Professional Registration Instiution Year
1. Ahli Geoteknik Utama Construction Services Development Board / Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi (LPJK)  2023
2. Insinyur Profesional Utama (IPU)  The Institution of Engineers Indonesia / Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII)  2021
3. ASEAN Engineering (ASEAN Eng) The Asean Engineering Register (AER) 2019



No. Membership Year
1. International Consortium on Geo-Disaster Reduction (ICGdR) 2013 – present
2. International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) 2008 – present
3. Multi-modal Sediment Disaster Network (MSD-Network) 2010 – present
4. Indonesian Geotechnical Engineering Experts Association / Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia (HATTI) 2000 – present
5. The Institution of Engineers Indonesia / Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII) 2015 – present
6. Japan Landslide Society (JLS) 2003 – 2006
7. Japan Sabo Society (JSS) 2002 – 2006



No. Honors and Awards Year
1. Outstanding Innovation Award dari The Hitachi Global Foundation
2. Productive Intellectual Property Right from the Ministry of Research and Technology / BRIN 2020
3. 20th Satyalancana Karya Satya from President of the Republic of Indonesia 2019
4. Pancasila Appreciation Icons 2019 from The Agency for the Implementation of the State Ideology of Pancasila (BPIP) 2019
5. Adjunct Professor from UNESCO Chair on Geoenvironmental Disaster Reduction. Paris – France 2018
6. ICGdR Honorary Fellow from International Consortium on Geo-disaster Reduction. Shimane – Japan 2017
7. National Academic Leader (Adibrata) 2017 from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education 2017
8. National Intellectual Property 2016 from Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia 2016
9. 20th Technology Awakening Award 2015 from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education 2015
10. Technological Innovator 2015 from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education 2015
11. 1st Best Lecturer 2013 from Ministry of Education and Culture 2013
12. 1st Best Lecturer 2012 from Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada 2012
13. Excellent Research Award on Mitigation of Geo-disasters in Asia from Mitigation of Geo-disasters in Asia (MGDA). Kyoto – Japan 2012
14. IPL Award for Success from IPL Global Promotion Committee – UNESCO. Rome – Italy 2011



No. Title of Patent Patent Number
1. Rain infiltration depth measuring device for landslide Early Warning System IDS00006344
2. Simple-manual reading extensometer for landslide Early Warning System IDP000038351
3. Paper-recorded-automatic extensometer for landslide Early Warning System IDP000038434
4. Upperground extensometer with data logger IDP000038787
5. Tiltmeter to measure the deformation of landslide body IDP000038968
6. Underground extensometer IDP000039806

*Licensed by GAMA Inatek Grafika. The technology has been implemented at 33 provinces, 120 districts in Indonesia and several countries



No. Position Service Activities Year
1. Team Leader Community Based Multi Hazard Early Warning System (Landslide-Flood, Flash Flood, Tsunami), supported by BNPB, BPBD, and ICL 2007 – present
2. Team Leader Strengthening Indonesian Resilience: Reducing Risk from Disasters (StIRRRD) in 4 provinces, 10 districts/cities, in collaboration with GNS Science New Zealand 2010 – present
3. Project Leader Geohazard Mapping and Countermeasures Design in Geothermal Fields at 10 provinces in Indonesia 2014 – present
4. Project Leader Support/Assistance for Local Governments in Developing Contingency Plan dan Action Plan against Geodisasters 2017 – present
5. Expert Team Community Service at the Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UGM 2019
6. Team Leader Study on the Institution and Community Development in Mt. Merapi Area 2006 – 2010
7. Expert Team Welfare Improvement of Village Community through National Movement of Water Rescue Partnership, Improvement of Drinking Water Quality, and Revitalization of Disaster Mitigation Program 2014
8. Expert Team Optimization of Water Resources to Improve the Welfare, Health, and Education of Village Community 2013
9. Expert Team Clean Water and Sanitation Provision and Community Based Disaster Mitigation 2012
10. Team Leader Community-based evacuation drills program in Mt. Merapi Area 2007-2010



1. Correlation of Liquefaction with Excess Pore Water Pressure in Langkat, North Sumatra. International Journal of GEOMATE. 2024. Vol. 26/No. 114/PP.117-125. Authors: W Wilopo, TF Fathani. 2024
2. An evaluation of a special government’s legal structure for alleviating poverty: Role of local government in North Aceh, Indonesia. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development. 2024. Vol. 8/No. 2/PP. 1-10. Authors: E Wijatmoko, A Armawi, TF Fathani. 2024
3. The Behavior of Flow Condition In Prefabricated Vertical Drains Due to Incremental Confining Pressure. ASEAN Engineering Journal. 2023. Vol. 13/No 3/PP. 165-172. Authors: G Chrismaningwang, HC Hardiyatmo, AD Adi, TF Fathani. 2023
4. Uncovering the Challenges of Sustainable Development in North Aceh: A Policy Analysis of Special Transfer Funds. Sustainability. 2023. Vol. 15/ No 11/PP. 1-25. Authors: E Wijatmoko, A Armawi, TF Fathani. 2023
5. Design of Stone Column to Mitigate Soil Liquefaction: Cases Study of Yogyakarta International Airport. Journal of The Civil Engineering Forum. 2023. Vol. 9/No 2/ 195-208. Authors: N Hartono, TF Fathani.
6. Comparison of two landslide hazard zonation methods in the volcanic terrain of Temanggung Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management. 2023. Vol. 10/No 3/PP. 4537-4546. Authors: W Wilopo, DPE Putra, TF Fathani, A Pramaditya, R Tandirerung, E Erzagian. 2023
7. Identification of subsidence hazard zone by integrating engineering geological mapping and electrical resistivity tomography in Gunung Kidul karst area, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management. 2022. Vol. 9/No 2/PP. 3281-3291. Authors: W Wilopo, DPE Putra, TF Fathani, S Widodo, GNIP Pratama, MS Nugroho, WR Prihadi. 2022
8. Single Piles and Pile Groups Capacity in Unsaturated Sandy Clay Based on Laboratory Test. 2022. ASEAN Engineering Journal. Vol. 12/No 1/PP/165-171. Authors: H Pujiastuti, A Rifa`i, AD Adi, TF Fathani. 2022
9. Debris Flow Hazard Analysis Toward The Implementation of Mitigation Measures. International Journal of Geomate. 2022. Vol. 23/No 95/PP. 45-56. Authors: TF Fathani, W Wilopo, A Pramaditya,, AN Amalina. 2022
10. Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of Menoreh Mountain Using Logistic Regression. Journal of Applied Geology. 2022. Vol.7/No1/PP. 51-63. Authors: N Sekarlangit, TF Fathani, W Wilopo. 2022
11. The Using of GIS to Delineate the Liquefaction Susceptibility Zones at Yogyakarta International Airport. Civil Engineering Dimension. 2022.Vol. 24/No. 1/PP.62-70. Authors: N Hartono,  TF Fathani. 2022
12. The new digital infiltration profiler performance test on sandy soil. Environmental Earth Sciences.2022.Vol. 81/No 539/pp.1-11. Authors: F Faris, TF Fathani. 2022
13. Geotechnical Centrifuge Test of Reinforced Road Embankment against Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction. International Journal of Geomate. 2021. Vol. 21/Issue 85/PP. 115-122. Authors: A Pramaditya, TF Fathani.  2021
14. The Mechanism of Landslide-Induced Debris Flow in Geothermal Area, Bukit Barisan Mountains of Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Applied Engineering Science. 2021. Vol 19/No 33/PP. 688-697. Authors: W Wilopo, TF Fathani. 2021
15. Liquefaction in Palu: The Cause of Massive Mudfows. Journal of Geoenvironmental Disasters. 2021. Vol. 8/ Article 21/PP. 1-14. Authors: A Jalil, TF Fathani, I Satyarno, W Wilopo. 2021
16. Analytical and Experimental Study of Pile Capacity in Unsaturated Sandy Clay. International Review of Civil Engineering (I.RE.C.E.). 2021. Vol. 12/No. 1/ PP. 1-10. Authors: H Pujiastuti, A Rifa`i, AD Adi, TF Fathani.
17. Effect of Well Resistance on Time Factor Ratio Due to PVD Deformation. Journal of Civil Engineering Forum. 2021. Vol. 7/No. 3/PP. 299-308. Authors: G Chrismaningwang, HC Hardiyatmo, AD Adi, TF Fathani.
18. A Simple Shaking Table Test to Measure Liquefaction Potential of Prambanan Area, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. ASEAN Engineering Journal. 2021. Vol. 11/No.3/PP. 89-108. Authors: LZ Mase, TF Fathani, AD Adi. 2021
19. Integrated approach in studying rock and soil slope stability in a tropical and active tectonic country. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2021. Vol. 80/Issue 2/Article 58. Penulis: I Rusydy, TF Fathani, N Al Huda, Sugiarto, K Iqbal, K Jamaluddin, E Meilianda 2021. 2021 
20. Physical Modelling of Earthquake-induced Liquefaction on Uniform Soil Deposit and Earth Structures Settlement. Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum. 2021. Vol. 7/No. 1/PP. 85-96. Penulis: A Pramaditya, TF Fathani 2021. 2021
21. The Effect of Incremental Confining Pressure on The Hydraulic Properties Of PVD. International Journal of Geomate. 2020. Vol. 19/No. 73/PP. 41-48. Penulis: G Chrismaningwang, HC Hardiyatmo, AD Adi, TF Fathani 2020. 2020
22. Laboratory Measurements of Discharge Capacity Under Incremental Confining Pressure of Geosynthetic Drains. International Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE). 2020. Vol.11/No.5/PP. 222-228.
Penulis: G Chrismaningwang, HC Hardiyatmo, AD Adi, TF Fathani 2020.
23. Spatial Analysis of Safety Factors due to Rain Infiltration in the Buyan-Beratan Ancient Mountains. International Review of Civil Engineering (I.RE.C.E.). 2020. Vol.11/No.2/PP. 90-97.
Penulis: IN Sinarta, A Rifa`I, TF Fathani, W Wilopo. 2020.
24. A Study on The Liquefaction Potential in Banda Aceh City After The 2004 Sumatera Earthquake. International Journal of Geomate. 2020. Vol. 18/ No. 65/PP. 147-155. Penulis: A Jalil, TF Fathani, I Satyarno, W Wilopo. 2020
25. Investigation and Numerical Simulation of the 22 February 2018 Landslide-triggered Long-traveling Debris Flow at Pasir Panjang Village, Brebes Regency of Central Java, Indonesia.  Journal of Landslide, Springer. 2019. Vol. 16/ Issue 11/ PP. 2219-2232. Penulis: Hendy S, W Wilopo, T Wiyoso, TF Fathani, D Karnawati. 2019
26. Landslide Risk Assessment for Designing Monitoring and Early Warning System. Journal of Applied Geology. 2019. Vol. 4/ No. 1/ PP. 1-8. Penulis: TA Bui, TF Fathani, W Wilopo. 2019
27. A Numerical Analysis of Landslide Movements Considering the Erosion and Deposition along the Flow Path. Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum. 2019. Research Article/ Vol. 5/ No. 2/ PP. 1-11. Penulis: Aminudin Syah, TF Fathani, F Faris. 2019
28. Estimating the Velocity of Landslide Movement Using Visco-Plastic Model in Jeruk Sub-village, Kulon Progo District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum. 2018. Vol. 4/ No. 3/ PP. 275-282. Penulis: MT Naing, TF Fathani, W Wilopo. 2018
29. Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Prediction in Loano Subdistrict, Purworejo District Central Java Province. Journal of Applied Geology. 2018. Vol. 3/ No. 1/ PP. 23-31. Penulis: FD Ferardi, W Wilopo, TF Fathani. 2018
30. The Effect of Matric Suction on the Shear Strenght of Unsaturated Sandy Clay. International Journal of Geomate. 2018. Vol. 14/ Issue 42/ PP. 112-119. Penulis: HP Astusti, A Rifa’i, AD Adi, TF Fathani. 2018
31. Slope Stability Assessment Using Trigger Parameters and SINMAP Methods on Tamblingan-Buyan Ancient Mountain Area in Buleleng Regency, Bali. International Journal of Geosciences. 2018. Vol. 7/ Issue 4/ PP. 1-16. Penulis: IN Sinarta, A Rifa’i, TF Fathani, W Wilopo. 2018
32. A Numerical Model for the Analysis of Rapid Landslide Motion. International Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 2017. Vol. 35/ Issue 5/ PP. 2253–2268. Penulis: TF Fathani, D Legono, D Karnawati. 2017
33. Sensitivity Analysis of Depth-Integrated Numerical Models for Estimating Landslide Movement. International Journal of Disaster Research. 2017. Vol. 12/ Issue 3/ PP. 607-616. Penulis: TF Fathani, D Legono, MA Alfath. 2017
34. Seismic Microzonation Studies Considering Local Site Effects for Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. International Journal of Geomate. 2017. Vol. 12/ Issue 32/ PP. 152-160. Penulis: TF Fathani, W Wilopo. 2017
35. Geotechnical Properties and Geologi Age on Characteristics of Landslides Hazards of Volcanic Soils in Bali, Indonesia. International Journal of Geomate. 2016. Vol. 11/ Issue 26/ PP. 2595-2599. Penulis: IN Sinarta, A Rifa’i, TF Fathani, W Wilopo. 2016
36. An Integrated Methodology to Develop A Standard for Landslide Early Warning Systems. International Journal of  Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 2016. Vol. 16/ Issue 9/ PP. 2123–2135. Penulis: TF Fathani, D Karnawati, W Wilopo. 2016
37. Analysing Sediment Transport Mechanism and Related Hydraulic Structure Damage After Mt. Merapi Eruption in Gendol River. International Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research. 2013. Vol. 03/ No. 1/ PP. 849-857. Penulis: W Wardoyo, D Legono, R Jayadi, TF Fathani. 2013
38. Development of Socio-Technical Approach for Landslide Mitigation and Risk Reduction Program in Indonesia. International Journal of Asean Engineering Journal Part C. 2013. Vol. 02/ No. 1/ PP. 22-49. Penulis: D Karnawati, S Maarif, TF Fathani, W Wilopo. 2013
39. Ground Motion in Yogyakarta City, Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia on Densely Microtremor Observations and Shear Wave Velocity. International  Journal of Southeast Asian Applied Geology. 2013. Vol. 05/ No. 1/ PP. 10-20. Penulis: ZL Kyaw, S Pramumijoyo, S Husein, TF Fathani, J Kiyono. 2013
40. Landslide Hazard and Community-based Risk Reduction Effort in Karanganyar and The Surrounding Area, Central Java, Indonesia. Journal of Mountain Science. 2011. Vol. 8/ No. 2/ PP. 149-153. Penulis: D Karnawati, TF Fathani, I Sudarno, B Andayani, D Legono, PW Burton. 2011
41. Prototyping An Experimental Early Warning System for Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Indonesia Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Geospatial Datasets. Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides. 2010. Vol. 7/ Issue 3/ PP. 317-324. Penulis: Z Liao, Y Hong, Jun Wang, H Fukuoka, K Sassa, D Karnawati, TF Fathani. 2010


No. Nama Book Chapter Tahun
1. Landslide Susceptibility Zonation Using GIS-Based Frequency Ratio Approach in the Kulon Progo Mountains Area, Indonesia. Progress in Landslide Research and Technology Volume 2 Issue 2, 2023 PP. 115-126, Springer, ISBN (print): 978-3-031-44295-7, ISBN (online): 978-3-031-44296-4. Authors: E Erzagian, W Wilopo, TF Fathani
2. Strengthening the Resilience by Implementing a Standard for Landslide Early Warning System. Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 1, 2022, PP. 277-284, Springer, ISBN (print): 978-3-031-16897-0, ISBN (online): 978-3-031-16898-7. Authors: TF Fathani, D Karnawati, W Wilopo, H Setiawan.
3. Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in Trenggalek, East Java, Indonesia: A Geological Overview. Advances in Sustainable Construction and Resource Management, Vol 144, 2021, PP. 873-883, Springer, Singapore, ISSN: 23662557, e-ISSN: 23662565, ISBN: 9789811600760. Authors: E Erzagian, TF Fathani, D Ratri, W. 2021
4. Identification of Sliding Surface and Crack Pattern in the Soil Creep, Case Study: Unika Soegijapranata Campus, Semarang, Central Java. Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk, ICL Contribution to Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 4, 2020, PP. 451-457, Springer, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-030-60705-0, ISBN (eBook): 978-3-030-60706-7. Authors: W Wilopo, H Setiawan, DPE Putra, TF Fathani. 2020
5. Report on the UNESCO Chair Workshop on Geoenvironmental Disaster Reduction 28th April – 1st May, 2019, Palu – Jakarta, Indonesia. Geoenvironmental Disasters Springer, Vol. 6, No. 12, 2019, PP. 1-6. Penulis: F Faris, TF Fathani, F Wang. 2019
6. A Socio-technical Approach for Landslide Mitigation and Risk Reduction. Landslide Dynamics: ISDR-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tool, Vol. 2, 2018, PP. 621-630, Springer, Cham, ISBN (print): 978-3-319-57776-0, ISBN (online): 978-3-319-57777-7. Penulis: D Karnawati, TF Fathani, W Wilopo, S Maarif. 2018
7. Community Hazard Maps for Landslide Risk Reduction. Landslide Dynamics: ISDR-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tool, Vol. 2, 2018, PP. 599-606, Springer, Cham, ISBN (print): 978-3-319-57776-0, ISBN (online): 978-3-319-57777-7. Penulis: D Karnawati, TF Fathani, W Wilopo, B Andayani. 2018
8. A Monitoring and Early Warning System for Debris Flows in Rivers on Volcanoes. Landslide Dynamics: ISDR-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tool, Vol. 1, 2018, PP. 479-490, Springer, Cham, ISBN (print): 978-3-319-57773-9, ISBN (online): 978-3-319-57774-6. Penulis: TF Fathani, D Legono. 2018
9. A Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning System. Landslide Dynamics: ISDR-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tool, Vol. 1, 2018, PP. 297-308, Springer, Cham, ISBN (print): 978-3-319-57773-9, ISBN (online): 978-3-319-57774-6. Penulis: TF Fathani, D Karnawati. 2018
10. Promoting A Global Standard for Community-based Landslide Early Warning Systems. Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides, Vol.1, May 2017, PP. 355-361, Springer, Cham, ISBN (print): 978-3-319-53500-5, ISBN (online): 978-3-319-59469-9. Penulis: TF Fathani, D Karnawati, W Wilopo. 2017
11. Penguatan Ketangguhan Indonesia Melalui Pengurangan Risiko Bencana (StIRRRD). Pengurangan Risiko Bencana di Daerah Tertinggal, Kemendesa PDTT, Jakarta: 79-88. Penulis: TF Fathani, W Wilopo, M Daly, P Glassey. 2017
12. Progress of The World Report on Landslides. Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides, Vol.1, May 2017, PP. 219-226, Springer, Cham, ISBN (print): 978-3-319-53500-5, ISBN (online): 978-3-319-59469-9. Penulis: B Abolmasov, TF Fathani, K Liu, K Sassa. 2017
13. An Adaptive and Sustained Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning System. Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment, Vol. 2, Methods of Landslide Studies, 2014, PP. 563-567, Springer, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-319-05049-2, ISBN (eBook): 978-3-319-05050-8. Penulis: TF Fathani, D Karnawati, W Wilopo. 2014
14. Student Community Service Program for Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia. Landslide Science and Practice, Vol. 7, Social and Economic Impact and Policies, 2013, PP. 317-323, Springer, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-31312-7, ISBN (ebook): 978-3-642-31313-4. Penulis: D Karnawati, W Wilopo, A Setianto, Suharman, TF Fathani. 2013
15. A Coupled Hydrology/Slope Kinematics Model for Developing Early Warning Criteria in The Kalitlaga Landslide, Banjarnegara, Indonesia. Progress of Geo-Disaster Mitigation Technology in Asia, Environmental Science and Engineering, 2013, Part II Specified Studies, PP. 453-467, Springer, Heidelberg, ISSN: 1431-6250, ISBN: 978-3-642-29106-7, ISBN (eBook): 978-3-642-29107-4. Penulis: F Faris, TF Fathani. 2013
16. The Hybrid Socio-Technical System for Strategic Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia. Landslides: Global Risk Preparedness, 2013, No. 23, PP. 325-333, Springer, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-22086-9, ISBN (ebook): 978-3-642-22087-6. Penulis: D Karnawati, TF Fathani, B Andayani. 2013
17. Early Warning of Landslide for Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Java Indonesia. Early Warning of Landslides, 2010, PP. 159-166, Geological Publishing House, Beijing, China, ISBN: 978-7-116-06939-8. Penulis: D Karnawati, TF Fathani. 2010



No. Nama Kegiatan Tahun
1. Invited Speaker in The 2024 IULEE Workshop on Earthquake and Trace Active Faults, Beijing, China, 26-29 February, 2024
2. Keynote Speaker in Public Lecture on “Challenges and Policies for Human Resource Management in the Construction Services Sector in Nusa Tenggara Timur”, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur, 28 November 2023
3. Keynote Speaker in Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar ke 14 2023, Bandung, 25-26 July 2023
4. Keynote Speaker in The 4th CEEDRiMS (Civil Engineering, Environmental, Disaster, and Risk Management Symposium), Surakarta, 27 June 2023 2023
5. Keynote Speaker in China Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Beijing, 3-6 November 2022 2022
6. Resource Person in the Seminar & Bazaar of Research Results and PKM “Strategy for Accelerating National Competitiveness through Research and PKM”, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 18 October 2022 2022
7. Keynote Speaker in the 3rd International Conference on Disaster Management (ICDM) 2022, UNAND, 30 September-1 October 2022 2022
8. Keynote Speaker in International Webinar: “Dissemination of Research on the Impact of Overseas Study on Higher Education in Indonesia”, Yogyakarta, 27 July 2022 2022
9. Keynote Speaker in The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation UMY, 20-21 July 2022, 2022
10. Keynote Speaker in the International Conference on Disaster Risk Management (ICONDRM): “Lesson from Global Nations” – UNILA, 3 December 2021 2021
11. Keynote Speaker in the National Discussion of Geoscience (OASE) – UGM, 14 November 2021 2021
12. Keynote Speaker in the International Conference on Disaster Mitigation and Management (ICDMM): “Best Practice in Preventing and Managing Disaster in Pandemic” – UNAND, 30 Sept – 1 Oct 2021 2021
13. Instruktur HATTI MENGAJAR VIII, Jakarta, 23 September 2021  2021
14. Invited Speaker in the NSF-AGU Workshop: “Bringing Land, Ocean, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Data to the Community for Hazard Alerts”, USA, 24-28 May 2021 2021
15. Keynote Speaker in the Focus Group Discussion on Sumedang Landslide-BNPB. Jakarta – Indonesia, 3 February 2021 2021
16. Keynote Speaker in the Water Seminar 6 -Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Purbalingga, 25 November 2020 2020
17. Keynote Speaker in the 18th International Symposium on Geo-Disaster Reduction/4th Gu Dezhen Lecture, ICGdR. Beijing, China, 21-22 November 2020 2020
18. Keynote Speaker in the 24th Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering – HATTI “Infrastructure Challenge During Global Pandemic”. Jakarta-Indonesia, 10-12 November 2020 2020
19. Keynote Speaker in the Webinar on “the Disaster Mitigation in Indonesia from the Perspective of Academic and Policy” -Universitas Bangka-Belitung. Bangka-Indonesia, 20 October 2020 2020
20. Keynote Speaker in the Webinar Series Membership in Primary Care on “Disaster Preparedness in Primary Care”-Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta – Indonesia, 12 August 2020 2020
21. Keynote Speaker in the 23rd Seminar Series on Disaster-Universitas Syiah Kuala. Aceh – Indonesia, 21 July 2020 2020
22. Keynote Speaker in the Webinar on “Disaster Mitigation for Liquefaction” – Ministry of Public Works and Housing. Jakarta – Indonesia, 22 July 2020 2020
23. Keynote Speaker on the 11th HATTI National Council Meeting and 23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering. Jakarta – Indonesia, 12 – 13 November 2019 2019
24. Keynote Speaker on the International Conference of Sustainable Infrastructure 2019 (ICSI 2019). Yogyakarta – Indonesia, 28 October 2019 2019
25. Invited Speaker on The 9th International Workshop on Multimodal Sediment Disasters. Tsu, Mie – Jepang, 17 – 19 October 2019 2019
26. Keynote Speaker on the International Conference on Landslides and Slope Stability (SLOPE) 2019. Bali – Indonesia,  25 September 2019 2019
27. Keynote Speaker on the 7th Meeting of ISO/TC 292 Security and Resilience. Bangkok – Thailand, 8 – 13 September 2019 2019
28. Keynote Speaker on Seminar of Disaster Risk Reduction – Universitas Gadjah Mada and GNS Science, supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) New Zealand, NZAid Programme. Yogyakarta – Indonesia, 23-25 July 2019 2019
29. Keynote Speaker on the International Conference on Urban Disaster Resilience (ICUDR 2019) – Tadulako University-JICA-NZ Aid-UGM-StIRRRD-GNS Science. Palu – Indonesia, 23 April 2019 – 1 May 2019 2019
30. Keynote Speaker on Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering (PCEE 2019) – New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering (NZSEE). Auckland – Selandia Baru, 1 – 8 April 2019 2019
31. Visiting Professor of the UNESCO Chair 2019 Field School on Geoenvironmental Disaster Reduction in Shimane University. Matsue – Jepang, 12 – 19 March 2019 2019
32. Invited Speaker on Training of Instructors on Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in Asia Pacific – United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Yogyakarta – Indonesia, 20 – 22 March 2019 2019
33. Invited Speaker on the International Collaboration by Strengthening The Research Function –  Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Tokyo – Japan, 25 February 2019 – 4 March 2019 2019
34. Panelist on the 8th International Workshop on Multimodal Sediment Disaster (IWMSD2019), Integrated Water and Sediment Management in Reservoirs – MSD Network-JICA-GAMA-InaTEK. Surakarta – Indonesia, 22 – 23 January 2019 2019
35. Invited Speaker on the  ICL-IPL Conference – International Programme on Landslides. Kyoto – Jepang, 1 – 5 December 2018 2018
36. Project Leader on Working Group 3 on the 6th Plenary Meeting of ISO/TC 292 Security and Resilience. Stavanger – Norwegia, 7 – 12 October 2018 2018
37. Invited Speaker on the 41st ISO General Assembly, Standards for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Geneva – Switzerland, 24 – 28 September 2018 2018
38. Invited Speaker on the 16th International Consortium on Geo-Disaster Reduction (ICGdR). Paris – Perancis, 25 August 2019 – 1 September 2018 2018
39. Resources Person on the International Workshop on  Strengthened Indonesian Resilience: Reducing Risk from Disasters (StIRRRD). Wellington – Selandia Baru, 17 – 22 March 2018 2018
40. Project Leader on the 5th Plenary Meeting of ISO/TC 292 Security and Resilience. Sydney – Australia, 11 – 16 March 2018 2018
41. Invited Speaker on the ICL-IPL UNESCO Conference – International Programme on Landslides. Paris – Perancis, 29 November 2017 – 1 December 2017 2017
42. Invited Speaker on the 25th IHP Regional Steering Committee Meeting for Southeast Asia and the Pacific in conjunction with UNESCO-JASTIP Joint Symposium on Intra-Regional Water Security and Disaster Management. Manila – Filipina, 13 – 16 November 2017 2017
43. Invited Speaker on the 7th International Workshop on Multimodal Sediment Disasters, organized by the Nepal Hydropower Association (NHA), Hydro Lab Pvt. Ltd, Nepal and Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI). Kathmandu – Nepal, 29 October 2017 – 2 November 2017 2017
44. Invited Speaker on the 4th Landslide Forum 2017 – World Landslide Forum (WLF), International Programme on Landslides (IPL). Ljubljana – Slovenia, 29 May 2017 – 2 June 2017 2017
45. Invited Lecturer on the International Summer School Natural Disasters 2017 – University of Ljubljana, University of Brescia, and University of Natural Resources and Life Siences Vienna. Ljubljana – Slovenia, 21 May 2017 – 10 June 2017 2017
46. Project Leader on the ISO TC292 Plenary and WGs Meeting, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE). Jeju – Korea Selatan, 23 – 28 April 2017 2017
47. Invited Speaker on the Council meeting of ICGdR and Sino-EU Workshop on Remote Sensing for Landslide Observation and Quantitative Analysis. Shanghai – Cina, 16 – 18 April 2017 2017
48. Invited Speaker on the Steering Committee Meeting of International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), International Programme on Landslides (IPL) – Global Promoting Committee of UNISDR. Kyoto – Jepang, 4-7 March 2017 2017
49. Keynote Speaker on the International Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction – organized by GNS Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) New Zealand Aid Programme. Yogyakarta – Indonesia, 14 – 17 February 2017 2017
50. Invited Speaker on Joint Workshop “International Debris-Flow Workshop and 6th International Workshop of Multimodal Sediment Disasters”- MSD Network. Kyoto – Jepang, 29 November 2016 – 2 December 2016 2016
51. Invited Speaker on the ICL-IPL UNESCO Conference – International Programme on Landslides. Paris – Perancis, 15 – 16 November 2016 2016
52. Resources Person on the Strengthened Indonesian Resilience: Reducing Risk from Disasters (StlRRRD), organized by GNS Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) New Zealand Aid Programme. Selandia Baru, 3 – 16 April 2016 2016
53. Invited Speaker on the Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction (ACDR) 2016 – Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, Government of Japan, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC). Phuket – Thailand, 25-26 February 2016 2016