A memorandum of understanding was signed between the Faculty of Engineering UGM and International Consultant Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. (NK) On Thursday (1/24), at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada (CEED UGM). This event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Head of the International Cooperation Unit and Academic Staffs of CEED UGM. Meanwhile from Nippon Koei, Mr. Tomonori Sakashita as Chief Representatives, and several company officials. NK has been more than 60 years in Indonesia, especially in the construction of dams, hydropower and reservoirs. According to Mr. Tomonori Sakashita, the MoU is the first collaboration between NK and University in Indonesia.
The MoU Signing Ceremony was then followed by small group workshop, where Nippon Koei presented about the history of the establishment of the Nippon Koei and their projects in collaboration with several BUMNs in Indonesia. Meanwhile, CEED UGM share the profile and several possible collaborations with Nippon Koei. The list of presenters:
1. Dr. Ali Awaludin (DTSL)
2. Dr. Angga Fajar S. (DTSL)
3. Dr. Kuniaki Miyamoto (Nippon Koei Co.Ltd.)
4. Mr. Tomonori Sakashita (Nippon Koei Co.Ltd.)
5. Dr. Haisheng Jin (Nippon Koei Co.Ltd.)
6. Dr. Yoshihiro Katsuhama (Nippon Koei Co.Ltd.)
7. Mr. Andi Sambudi (PT Indokoei Internasional)
NK was founded in June 1946 by Yutaka Kubota. It is one of the consulting services company in engineering field, which has business experience for 72 years and operates in 160 countries. Every year NK also records 5,500 projects. NK is supported by 1,534 professional engineers who are certified, with various fields of expertise.