Earth potential of the coast would require the best policy to be managed appropriately and accurately in order to progress the development of Indonesia. Policies are formed also need to be considered from various aspects.
Talking to experts in the field will open up new horizons in science, as well as supporting the learning process so that later we can make the best policy.
Let’s talk and exchange ideas by attending workshops and talk shows Claproyex # 2.
Photo Journalism Workshop :
“Value Images News An Event”
– Saturday, March 4, 2017
– Space UGM 2.1 KPFT
– The registration fee of Rp 15,000
Civil Engineering Talkshow :
“Reclamation, Civilization Paradoxes of State”
– Sunday, March 5, 2017
– Space UGM 2.1 KPFT
– FREE registration fee
– Facilities: snack, certificate, seminar kit
– Participants will get the lucky door prizes totaling millions of rupiah
Visit booth offline registration every Monday to Friday from 08.00 until 16.00 at Selasar Headquarters Technical University of Gadjah Mada.
Get a discount voucher Clapeyron Magazine Volume 62 for the first 30 registrants!
Immediately register yourself and dig into the science so much more!
Registration info, click
Claproyex # 2
Clapeyron Project and Expo 2017
More info:
Instagram: @ clapeyron.ugm
the graduation period in February 2017, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty graduated 58 graduates with the following details:
Predicate Cumlaude: 8
The highest GPA: 3.96
Average GPA: 3:28
List of graduates this period as follows:
1 | Aditya Indra Roesdiana |
2 | Agusta Ramawan |
3 | Agustinus Rizky Febrian |
4 | Ajeng Dwiki Ananti |
5 | Akbar Satya Winansyah |
6 | Akhmad Suprayogi |
7 | Aldi Fajar Pratama |
8 | Alfredo Joseph Yulianto |
9 | Amira Herwidyana |
10 | Andika Ayu Karuniawati |
11 | Arif Ridho |
12 | Ayi Rayhana Aulia |
13 | Cesar Kevin Wayner Hutabarat |
14 | Chrisma Dwi Puspa |
15 | Deddy Febrianto |
16 | Devada Aswin Armadhoni |
17 | Dimas Yohan Kristanto |
18 | Dina Erlinawati |
19 | Dyaksa Nugrahanto Rochaddi |
20 | Fahri Fajar Sanjaya |
21 | Faizal Hanif |
22 | Faza Ramadhani |
23 | Frandika Rizal Nuryansyah |
24 | Gerry Muhammad Akbar |
25 | I Gede Khresna Ardhya Putra |
26 | Imawati Putri Pertiwi |
27 | Inda Suryani Rachmawati |
28 | Iqbal Attaqi Abel |
29 | Iyan Permana |
30 | Juvenil Kurniawan Daeli |
31 | Kenya Hanifah Nisita |
32 | Kurniawan Fajar Aprianto |
33 | Luqman Alghiffari |
34 | Mellany Seprina Mustikawati |
35 | MHD. Despriodi Syaher |
36 | Moch Fajar Tara Seputra Putihardjo |
37 | Mohd. Fuad S. Hasan |
38 | Muchamad Lutfi Tantowi |
39 | Muhamad Hafiyyan Mayada |
40 | Muhammad Akbar Kurnia |
41 | Muhammad Deni Satria Putra |
42 | Muhammad Izhar Azharudin |
43 | Muhammad Yuqa Riyantana |
44 | Nur Anisa Mardhotillah |
45 | Nurmantio Akbar Maulana |
46 | Obed Ebenezer Sitinjak |
47 | Odhi Attabik Illiyin |
48 | Oktaviani Tri Handayani |
49 | Ozie Lulu Ilman Widarto |
50 | Prabendra Ardhan Atmakusuma |
51 | Qonaah Rizqi Fajriani |
52 | Raka Bagus Panuntun |
53 | Sandy Pamudya Nugraha |
54 | Sandy Pratama |
55 | Seprinal Hazra |
56 | Surya Wicaksana Bungaran |
57 | Virya Adi Tama |
58 | Wimasko Wahyu Bintoro |
UK University Masters and Ph.D Fair will be held at UC Club UGM on March 7, 2017 at 13.00-18.00.
There are 8 universities will be participated in this event. These are Unviersity of Bradford, University of Bradford; Cardiff University; Durham University; Harper Adams University; University of Wales Trinity Saint David; Swansea University dan University of East London.