Ehime University paid a visit to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DTSL) FT UGM on Monday, January 16 2023. This is an annual routine visit that has been carried out since 2016. On this occasion, Prof. Mitsu Okamura, Prof. Hideaki Yasuhara, Prof. Keiyu Kawaai , and Prof. Takahiro Tsubota meets Dr. Andreas Triwiyono and Dr. Sito Ismanti (Head of Study Program and Secretary of Master of Civil Engineering Study Program) to discuss about double degree program.
The event began with speeches from both parties, and continued with presentations on the implementation of the double degree in 2017-2018. After the group photo session, there was a discussion on choosing courses and administration of the double degree implementation. Ehime University and DTSL hope that this double degree program can be implemented immediately and will bring positive benefits to both parties.