Master in Transport System and Engineering

In pursuing the possibility backwardness of transportation sector in supporting national development, one field that very important to be ruled by the government (central and local) system and transportation engineering a comprehensive and pragmatic.

Planning transport system look ahead and anticipate demand, not only transportation between cities and within cities, but also prepare strategies, policies, programs, and rules that necessary for the efficient provision of infrastructure.

Transportation engineering is more implement the concepts of planning system through building form which are cheap, effective, efficient, and environment-friendly.

Education in transportation field, both S1 and S2, are main factor in the provision of personnel capable. Master of Transportation System (MSTT) in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, GadjahMada University was founded in January 1996 in order to increase of the number and capacity of human resources responsible for the planning and development of transportation in Indonesia.


Vision of MSTT-UGM major is become international major in transportation which are exellence, innovative, responsive, and cultured in 2022


Organizing international transportation fields of education, quality, and competitiveness in the global market.2. Develop research and community service in the field of transportation in order to participate in solving transportation problems.3. Collaborate with other institutions both at home and abroad in order to implement the Tri Dharma.


Qualified engineering higher education in transportation to produce graduates who are superior, innovative, responsive, cultured, and have good academic competences. Innovative reseach product in transportation than become national referral and helpful to give solution to solve problems of society, nation, and state based on the values of the local advantage. Devotion to science-based public transport that encourages independence and welfare of the community in a sustainable manner. Governance courses equitable, transparent, participatory, accountable, and integrated inter-field in order to support the effectiveness and efficiency of resource utilization. Cooperation based on strategic, synergistic, and continuous equality with domestic and foreign partner institutions to result in beneficial outcome which could enhance human resources in transportation field also responsively contributing in formulating and resolving tranportational issues.

  1. Achmad Djunaedi, Prof., Ph.D., MUP., Ir.
  2. Agus Darmawan Adi, Dr., M.Sc., Ir.
  3. Agus Taufik Mulyono, Prof., Dr., M.T., Ir.
  4. Achmad Munawar, Prof. Dr.Ing., M.Sc., Ir.
  5. Akhmad Aminullah, Dr., M.T., S.T.
  6. Andreas Triwiyono, Dr., Ir.
  7. Bagus Riyono, Dr., MA.
  8. Bambang Suhendro, Prof., Ph.D., M.Sc., Ir.
  9. Bambang Triatmodjo, Prof., Dr., DEA., Ir.
  10. Budi S. Wignyosukarto, Prof., Dr., Dipl.HE., Ir.
  11. Danang Parikesit, Prof. Dr.Techn., M.Sc., Ir.
  12. Dewanti, Dr., M.S., Ir.
  13. Djoko Murwono, M.Sc., Ir.
  14. Hary Christady Hardiyatmo, Prof., Dr., M.Eng., DEA., Ir.
  15. HRC. Priyosulistyo, Prof., Ph.D., M.Sc., Ir.
  16. Iman Satyarno, Prof., Ph.D., M.E., Ir.
  17. Imam Muthohar, Dr., M.T., S.T.
  18. Latif Budi Suparma, Dr., M.Sc., Ir.
  19. M. Fauzie Siswanto, Dr., M.Sc., Ir.
  20. M. Zudhy Irawan, Dr., M.T., S.T.
  21. Nur Yuwono, Prof., Ph.D., Dip.HE., Ir.
  22. Sigit Priyanto, Prof. Ph.D., M.Sc., Ir.
  23. Siti Malkhamah, Prof. Dr., M.Sc., Ir.
  24. Soeratno, Dr., M.E.
  25. Sri Harto Brotowiryatmo, Prof., Dr., Dip.H., Ir.
  26. Subagyo, Ir., Ph.D.
  27. Subaryono, Ph.D., M.A., Ir.
  28. Sumarjono, M.T., S.T.
  29. Suryo Hapsoro Tri Utomo, Prof. Dr., Ir.
  30. Wardhani Sartono, M.Sc., Ir.
  1. Transportation System
  2. Highway Planning and Design
  3. Multimodal Transport
  4. Logistics
  5. Bridge and Roads Management
  6. Traffic Safety
  7. Railways