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Nama | : | Prof. Ir. Nur Yuwono, Dip.HE., Ph.D. |
Bidang Keahlian | : | Coastal Engineering, Harbor Engineering, Physical Modeling | |
Membership | : | HATHI (Himpunan Ahli Teknik Hidraulik Indonesia) | |
: | nuryuwono@ugm.ac.id |
- Ir. : Teknik Sipil, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
- Dip. HE. : Experimental & Computational Hydraulics, IHE Delft, Belanda
- Ph.D. : Civil Engineering,Strathclyde University, Inggris
Refleksi dan Run Up Gelombang Melalui Pemecah Gelombang Berlubang Tipe Box Culvert | Dinamika Rekayasa | http://doi.org/10.20884/1.dr.2022.18.2.524 | ||
Wave Transmission and Energy Dissipation in a Box Culvert-Type Slotted Breakwater | Advances in Technology Innovation | https://doi.org/10.46604/aiti.2022.9080 | ||
Evaluasi Pendangkalan Pelabuhan Penyeberangan Bira Sulawesi Selatan Dan Usaha Untuk Menanganinya | JURNAL TEKNIK PENGAIRAN: JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING | |||
Aliran Pada Lubang Gerusan: Model Fisik dan Model Numerik | JURNAL TEKNIK PENGAIRAN: JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING | |||
UJI MODEL FISIK STABILITAS UNIT LAPIS LINDUNG PEMECAH GELOMBANG PELABUHAN SANUR | urnal Ilmiah Desain & Konstruksi | http://dx.doi.org/10.35760/dk.2021.v20i2.5073 | ||
DIFRAKSI GELOMBANG MELALUI BREAKWATER AMBANG RENDAH HALF CYLINDER | urnal Ilmiah Desain & Konstruksi | http://dx.doi.org/10.35760/dk.2021.v20i2.5053 | ||
Kajian Pemanfaatan Underwater Sill (UWS) Dalam Mengatasi Pendangkalan Kolam Labuh (Studi Kasus: Pelabuhan PT. Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk. Di Tuban) | Jurnal Renovasi : Rekayasa dan Inovasi Teknik Sipil | |||
Shoreline Change with Groin Coastal Protection Structure at North Java Beach | Penulis 3 | ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications | https://doi.org/10.21512/comtech.v11i1.6022 | |
Scouring on Boulder Bed Behind A Seawall due to Tsunami | Penulis 3 | Science Of Tsunami Hazards | ||
Mechanism of Seawall Destruction due to Tsunami | Penulis 6 | Science Of Tsunami Hazards | ||
Mechanism of Seawall Destruction due to Tsunami | Penulis 6 | Science of Tsunami Hazards | ||
Shoreline Change with Groin Coastal Protection Structure at North Java Beach | Penulis 3 | ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications | https://doi.org/10.21512/comtech.v11i1.6022 | |
Design of a Facility for Tsunami Run up Generation to Study Tsunami and Seawall Interaction | Penulis 3 | Journal of The Civil Engineering Forum | https://doi.org/10.22146/jcef.39130 | |
Wave Transmission Through Curtainwall Pile Breakwater (Cpb) | Penulis 3 | International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology | ||
Innovation Design Roughness on Slope to Reduce Storms at Curved Seawall In Canggu Beach Bali | Penulis 2 | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) | https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.I8084.078919 | |
The Behavior of a Tsunami-like Wave Produced by Dam Break and Its Run-up on 1:20 Slope | Penulis 4 | Science of Tsunami Hazards | ||
Model of Timber Crib Walls Using Counterweight in Bone Bolango Regency Gorontalo Province Indonesia | Penulis 3 | International Review of Civil Engineering | https://doi.org/10.15866/irece.v9i3.14050 | |
Simulation of Angular Flow in a Shallow Basin Triggered by a Rotating Vertical Cylinder by SPH Method | Penulis 3 | Applied Mechanics and Materials | https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.881.15 | |
The Implementation of Combined Roughness and Reflected Model (CRRM) in Tsunami Run-up Simulation through Coastal Vegetation | Penulis 4 | Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum | https://doi.org/10.22146/jcef.36857 | |
Comparison of Methods For Simulating Tsunami Run-Up Through Coastal Forests | Penulis 4 | Science of Tsunami Hazards | ||
Wave Height Forecasting Using Measurement Wind Speed Distribution Equation in Java Sea, Indonesia (Sugianto, D.N.; Zainuri, M; Darari, A; Suripin S.D) | Penulis 1 | International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology (IJCIET) | ||
Wave-Induced Pressure Distribution on Placed Perforated Revetment Block (1_Permana, M.S.) | Penulis 2 | Procedia Engineering | doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.03.071 | |
Numerical Method of Simulating Coastal Forest Against Tsunami Run-up | Journal of Hydro-environmental Science |
2023 | Study of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Distribution and Salinity of Coastal Area Using Satellite Imagery for Pond Development in Pond Irrigation Areas (DIT) Sei Teras | Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism (ICOSEAT 2022) Vol 26 | internasional |
2021 | KAJIAN MORFODINAMIKA PANTAI WIDURI KABUPATEN PEMALANG | Civil Engineering, Environmental, and Disaster Risk Management Symposium Tahun 2021 | Nasional |
2021 | Improving Nutritional Value of Cow Manure with Biomass Ash and Its Response to the Growth and K-Ca Absorption of Mustard on Inceptisols | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 752 | Internasional |
2021 | Effect of Underwater Sill Height Against Flow Patterns in Order to Reduce Sedimentation in Navigation Channel and Basins | Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering (ICCOEE2020) | Internasional |
2021 | Determination of the length of Bogowonto double jetty as the river mouth stabilization | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 930, | Internasional |
2020 | Upaya Percepatan Peningkatan Pelayanan Angkutan Sungai Perkotaan yang Terkoneksi di Kota Palembang | Prosiding Civil Engineering, Environmental and Disaster Risk Management Symposium 2020 | Nasional |
2020 | The Performance of Low Crested Breakwaters as a Sand Trap for Shore Protection | IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 426 | Internasional |
2020 | The Performance of Low Crested Breakwater as a Sand Trap for Shore Protection | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | Internasional |
2020 | The Effect Of Large Debris Damming On Scour Behind A Seawall Due To Tsunami | The 22nd Congress of International Association for Hydro Environment Engineering and Research(IAHR) and Asia Pacific Division(APD),Sapporo,Japan | Internasional |
2019 | Evaluasi Masterplan Pelabuhan Tanjung Benoa | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana, Departemen Teknik Sipil FT-UI, | Nasional |
2018 | Kuwaru Coastal Line Changing Under Wave Attack | The 12th SEATUC Symposium | Internasional |
2018 | Hydrodynamic Flow Characteristics of Tsunami Waves Impact on Bearing Wall Layout | IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 195 (2018) 012016 | Internasional |
2017 | Simulation of Angular Flow in a Shallow Basin Triggered by a Rotating Vertical Cylinder by SPH Method | The 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology ICST 2017 | Internasional |
2016 | Tsunami Run-up on Sloping Beach based on Dam Break System | 5 th International Seminar of HATHI, 29 – 31 July 2016, Bali | Internasional |
2016 | Simulation of Tsunami Attack on Seawall Caisson | Asia Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro Environment Engineering & Research | Internasional |
2016 | Numerical Simulation of Flow and Sediment Transport along a Channel with Underwater Sill | Asia Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro Environment Engineering & Research | Internasional |
2016 | Modeling of Tsunami Run-up onto Sloping Beach and its Interaction with Low Structure | ICSBE | Internasional |
2021 | Peran Open Gap pada Vegetasi Pantai sebagai Alternatif Mitigasi Tsunami (Model Fisik dan Numerik) | Hibah Penelitian Dana DTSL 2020 |