Ehime University membuka kesempatan kepada mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan FT UGM untuk mengikuti program Student Exchange selama 1 Semester untuk periode September 2017.
1. Mahasiswa tahun ketiga DTSL FT UGM
2. Mengisi Application Form (Form 1)
3. Curriculum vitae
4. Transkrip akademik (bahasa Inggris)
5. Fotokopi sertifikat TOEFL/IELTS
6. Proposal Penelitian (secara singkat)
7. Fotokopi paspor (jika ada) atau KTP
8. 2 (dua) pasfoto ukuran 3×4
Bagi mahasiswa yang terpilih, hendaknya menyiapkan Letter of Financial Guarantee yang menyatakan kesediaan menanggung biaya hidup di Jepang selama masa pendidikan di Ehime University, berupa fotokopi rekening bank pribadi ata orang tua/wali; slip gaji orang tua/wali; Sertifikat/Surat Keterangan Beasiswa.
JASSO Scholarship
Informasi dapat diperoleh di:
Pendaftaran dan seleksi beasiswa JASSO dilaksanakan langsung oleh JASSO representative
28 April 2017 jam 16.00 WIB
Seluruh berkas harap diserahkan ke:
Bagian Kerjasama, P2M, Publikasi, IT dan SHE
Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan FT UGM
CP: Shinta
Formulir Pendaftaran dapat di download sbb : [application form]
The New Zealand Aid Programme offers several different types of scholarship. Your eligibility depends on which country you come from.
- New Zealand Pacific Scholarships
- New Zealand ASEAN Scholar Awards
- Short Term Training Scholarships
- New Zealand Regional Development Scholarships
- New Zealand Development Scholarships
- Commonwealth Scholarships
New Zealand Pacific Scholarships
New Zealand Pacific Scholarships (NZPS) recognise the very close personal, cultural, and economic ties that New Zealand enjoys with Pacific countries. A particular focus of NZPS is to increase the number of young pacific people studying in New Zealand and to build a new generation of Pacific leadership with strong links to New Zealand.
NZPS are funded by the New Zealand Aid Programme, the New Zealand Government’s international aid and development programme. They are managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
NZPS are available for both undergraduate and postgraduate study in New Zealand.
Eligible countries
Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau,Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu
Qualification Types
New Zealand Pacific Scholarships are available for the following qualifications:
- Undergraduate Degree (3 – 4 years)*
- Postgraduate Certificate (6 months)
- Postgraduate Diploma (1 year)
- Master’s Degree (1 – 2 years)
- PhD (3 – 4 years)
* Fijian Applicants: Please note that Bachelor of Veterinary Science is the only undergraduate qualification offered to citizens of Fiji.
How to Apply
Please see the How to Apply page for details.
New Zealand ASEAN Scholar Awards
The New Zealand ASEAN Scholarships (NZAS) recognise New Zealand’s close cultural, economic, and geographic ties with Southeast Asia. They seek to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to contribute to the economic, social, and political development of their region. NZAS are offered for postgraduate level study only.
Eligible countries
Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam
Brunei Darrusalam and Singapore candidates can only apply for the Victoria University ASEAN Scholarship offered by Victoria University of Wellington (external link).
Qualification Types
New Zealand ASEAN Scholarships are available for the following qualifications:
- Postgraduate Certificate (6 months)
- Postgraduate Diploma (1 year)
- Masters Degree (1 – 2 years)
- PhD (up to 3.5 years)
How to Apply
Please see the How to Apply page for details.
Short Term Training Scholarships
Short Term Training Scholarships (STTS) are funded by the New Zealand Aid Programme, the New Zealand Government’s international aid and development programme. They are managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
STTS assist people in the work force to gain knowledge and skills that will help the development of their home country. They play an important and growing role in addressing the human resource and development needs of developing countries.
Through STTS, individuals from selected developing countries can undertake training of up to one year in duration in New Zealand. A wide range of short-term vocational and/or skills courses or work attachments are offered.
Eligible countries
Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau,Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu,Vanuatu
Qualification types
- Short Term Training Scholarships are available for the following qualifications:
- Training Certificate (up to 12 months)
- Work placement (up to 12 months)
- Certificate (up to 12 months)
- Diploma (up to level 6 of the NZQF (external link) and up to 12 months)
How to apply
Short Term Training Scholarships are available throughout the year. Please contact your relevant New Zealand High Commission via your country page to submit an application.
More information please visit
Informasi tambahan :
- Bagi peserta yang lulus seleksi beasiswa maka berarti sudah lulus tes seleksi sebagai calon pegawai WIKA
- Peserta yang lulus seleksi harus mengikuti program pelatihan calon pegawai selama 6 bulan, jika lolos akan diangkat sebagai pegawai tetap WIKA
Sumber : Forum Alumni Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan FT UGM
The Hybrid Twinning Program (hereafter abbreviated as HBT) is an international joint graduate education program at Shibaura Institute of Technology (hereafter abbreviated as SIT) that cooperates with the foreign partner universities in Southeast Asia, including Universitas Gadjah Mada, and combines Master’s and Doctor’s courses.
The program was proposed and established in 2005 by the late Prof. Kenjiro Suzuki, the former Director of Center for International Programs at SIT, aiming the coexistence and cooperation with Southeast Asian countries. It is to be carried out as one of the activities under the Agreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between SIT and its partner universities. Partner universities recommend their students to SIT and SIT accepts them if they are judged to meet its own selection criteria.
The Programs:
- The Master’s + Doctor’s Program in HBT
- The Doctor’s Program in HBT
- An applicant has to contact a potential supervisor at SIT with his/her CV and research plan via email to obtain tentative acceptance in his/her laboratory by February 10, 2017. Please refer to the appendix for supervisors of the Hybrid Twinning Program to find an appropriate supervisor and his/her contact address. The title of email should include “HBT” for SIT supervisors to easily recognize the mail as a request from a HBT applicant.
- Application Deadline: February 24, 2017
Link download:
1. Application Guideline and forms
2. Fields and Supervisors to receive students for HBT
For application information, please directly contact:
Yuichi Murata (Mr.)
International Programs Initiatives Section
Shibaura Institute of Technology
3-7-5 Toyosu Koto-ku Tokyo 135-8548 Japan
Tel:+81.3.5859.7140 , Fax:+81.3.5859.7141
E-mail: murata.yuichi@ow.shiba
Web Site (English): http://www.shibaura –
Application documents should be submitted through International Office DTSL:
Shinta Wardani (Ms.)
Ruang Kerjasama DTSL FT UGM
Diinformasikan kepada mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik UGM, bahwa CIMB NIAGA menawarkan beasiswa dalam bentuk biaya kuliah 4 semester, bantuan laptop, dan bantuan penyusunan skripsi. Pendaftaran ditutup pada tanggal 21 November 2016. Persyaratan dan informasi lebih lanjut silahkan download formulir dibawah ini.
Informasi Beasiswa CIMB NIAGA (75 downloads)
We are glad to announce that Doctoral Program in Singapore (Ph.D. Singapore 2017) – 1st Batch JFY 2017 is NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATION.
Successful candidates will be supported 4 years scholarships at Singapore Host Institution (NTU and NUS), covering the following items:
- tuition fees,
- living expenses,
- health insurance,
- a round-trip air ticket,
Earliest semester to join the Ph.D. Course is September 2017.
Interest candidates are encouraged to apply the scholarship, the deadline to submit application to AUN/SEED-Net: Tuesday 31st January 2017.
Implementation Guideline and Application Form are available at
NOTE: Applicants are required to apply (ONLINE) directly to NTU and NUS website. Please study the implementation guideline.
Any questions please contact:
Download :
- Application Form (19 downloads)
- Implementation Guidelines Doctoral Degree Program in SIN 2017 (25 downloads)