Syarat Pendaftaran:
Mahasiswa S2 maupun Mahasiswa S1 Semester akhir untuk prodi yang ditawarkan ; Teknik Elektro, Teknologi Informasi, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan.
Periode Kegiatan:
29 Agustus – 25 September 2019 (EU di UGM), 22 Oktober – 19 November 2019 (UGM di EU)
Prosedur Pendaftaran:
Menyerahkan dokumen berikut :
- Surat permohonan mengikuti program dengan menyebutkan Departemen, profesor dan bidang yang diminati berbahasa inggris ditujukan kepada Dekan FT UGM.
- Motivation letter
- Fotokopi KTM dan KHS
- Sertifikat kemampuan Bahasa Inggris
- Surat rekomendasi dari dosen.
- Transkrip Nilai.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
*Beasiswa dari Ehime University 80.000 YEN, Tiket Pesawat PP, Aplikasi Visa, dan Asuransi menjadi tanggungan mahasiswa.
Aplikan wajib mendaftar melalui link google form berikut:
Serta mengumpulkan semua berkas dokumen ke bagian UPHI – Lantai 3, Unit Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan, Gedung KPFT UGM.
Phone +62-274-513665
Email :
Paling lambat 17 Mei 2018.
Download “List of EU professors who can accept UGM students 2019”
In 2019, more than 160 researchers from over 100 universities/research institutes from all over the world will gather at HU.
HSI allows participants to expand their knowledge of subjects in cutting-edge fields of research at HU that previously were open only to students of the university. Program participants have an opportunity to attend classes that employ attractive educational techniques, such as field training in Hokkaido’s extensive land resources and active learning activities, so they can develop into professionals capable of thriving on the world stage.
All instruction at HSI is in English. This provides international students with a stress-free learning environment without having to worry about language barriers, and also creates a special opportunity for Japanese students, who can take classes taught by internationally acclaimed researchers. The university strongly hopes that HSI students will cultivate a better understanding of other cultures and improve their English-language proficiency and communication skills through exchanges with researchers and students from other countries. Off-campus events are also planned so participants can enjoy Hokkaido’s beautiful summer.
Hokkaido Summer Institute also give opportunity for International Student to get scholarship to students from Hokkaido University (HU)’ s partner institutions, include:
- Those who enroll as exchange students from HU’ s partner institutions with which HU has concluded a memorandum of understanding on mutual tuition waivers are waived the tuition fees at HU. They must inform the relevant office at their home institution about their application before submitting application. Check the list of HU’s partner universities below.
- Those who enroll as exchange students from HU’s partner institutions based on departmental exchange agreements are required to take at least one course organized by the HU department which their institution has concluded the agreement with.
Some courses including field training will require additional fees (accommodation fees during the field training, travel expenses, etc.) For details, please check the syllabuses of the courses you wish to take. Fees that will be required for courses will be collected in cash (Japanese yen) after students arrive in Hokkaido, Japan. Accordingly, students should bring the necessary cash amount for fee payment.
Download the Brochure HERERequirement:
The following students are eligible to apply for admission to the program:
- Those enrolled in a university or a graduate school as full-time students at the time of application and during the HSI program period;
- Those who have the English proficiency necessary to understand and participate in the course(s) they wish to take;
- Those who meet the requirements for the course(s) they wish to take;
- Those who agree that:
- They must take out insurance covering medical expenses and liability during their stay at Hokkaido University, and submit a copy of the insurance policy by the designated deadline after receiving a notification of acceptance.
- They are not able to take courses without submitting a copy of their insurance policy by the deadline
Application Documents:The Application documents shall be written in English , unless otherwise specified.
- Application Form
- Photo front-facing, upper body, no hat; 354 x 295 pixels
- Official Certificate of University Registration
- Official Academic Transcript
- Official English Proficiency Test Certificate [Non-native English speaking students only]
- Copy of passport [Non-Japanese students only]
- Written consent to enroll in Hokkaido Summer Institute[Students from within Japan only]
28 February 2019
Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan menyediakan beasiswa menempuh studi S2, beasiswa berupa potongan SPP 50% selama 4 semester. Pilihan studi S2 sebagai berikut :
- S2 Teknik Sipil FT UGM
- Magister Sistem dan Teknik Transportasi (MSTT) FT UGM
- Magister Teknik Pengelolaan Bencana Alam (MTPBA) FT UGM
Persyaratan sebagai berikut :
- Lulusan S1 Teknik Sipil FT UGM
- Usia maksimal 25 tahun
- IPK minimal 3.25
- Melengkapi berkas sesuai syarat penerimaan mahasiswa baru UGM.
Prosedur :
- Melakukan pendaftaran online di
- Menghubungi staff akademik prodi sesuai pilihan