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Nama | : | Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Agus Kironoto |
Bidang Keahlian | : | Fluvial Hydraulics , Sediment Transport, Turbulence | |
Membership | : | 1. HATHI (Himpunan Ahli Teknik Hidraulik Indonesia) 2. INKINDO DIY (Ikatan Nasional Konsultan Indonesia) 3. HAKI (Himpunan Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia) 4. PII (Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia) 5. HPJI (Himpunan Pengembangan Jalan Indonesia) 6. International Commission for Concrete Model Code (ICCMC) for Asia 7. Indonesian Society of Structural-Professional Engineer |
: | kironoto@ugm.ac.id |
Scopus : https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=7801347864
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tczzO8IAAAAJ&hl=id&oi=ao
- Ir. : Teknik Sipil, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
- Dr. : Fluvial Hydraulics,École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Swiss
2024 | Evaluating Manning's Roughness Coefficient for Flows with Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Sediment Transport | Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering | https://doi.org/10.14525/JJCE.v18i1.06 | |
2023 | FLOW CHARACTERISTICS OF EQUILIBRIUM AND NON-EQUILIBRIUM SEDIMENT TRANSPORT FLOWS | International Journal of GEOMATE | https://doi.org/10.21660/2023.110.3957 | |
2022 | Kajian Potensi Pemanfaatan Waduk Bener Untuk Pemenuhan Air Baku dan Air Irigasi | Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Departemen Teknik Pengairan Fakultas Teknik | ||
2022 | Study of community-based waste management strategy determination in Magelang City | Community Empowerment (CE) | https://doi.org/10.31603/ce.6601 | |
2021 | Bed-Shear Velocity Measurement in Curved Open Channel | Civil and Environmental Science Journal (CIVENSE) | https://doi.org/10.21776/ub.civense.2021.00401.9 | |
2020 | Karateristik Distribusi Sedimen Suspensi pada Sungai Alami Menggunakan Persamaan Rouse | Penulis 2 | Techno | http://doi.org/10.30595/techno.v21i1.6668 |
2020 | Effek Tegangan Geser dan Keseragaman Butiran terhadap Tebal Armour Layer pada Kondisi Statis di Dasar Saluran | Jurnal Teknik Sipil | https://doi.org/10.5614/jts.2020.27.3.6 | |
2019 | The Simplified of Suspended Sediment Measurement Method in Natural River (Case study of Kuning River in Yogyakarta, Indonesia) | Penulis 1 | Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum | https://doi.org/10.22146/jcef.47061 |
2018 | Hydrology and Hydraulic Analysis of Nasiri Flash Flood Disaster Event on the 1 st August 2012 | Penulis 3 | Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum | 10.22146/jcef.28301 |
2017 | Kajian Erosi dengan Metode Musle Daerah Tangkapan Hujan Waduk Sermo Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta | Penulis 2 | Jurnal Teknik Sipil ITP | |
2017 | Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport along a Channel with Underwater Sill | Penulis 3 | Procedia Engineering | doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.03.048 |
2016 | Characteristic of Suspended Sediment Flow in Trapezoid Shape of Curved Open Channel | |||
2016 | The Simplified of Suspended Sediment Measurement Method for Predicting Suspended Sediment Load as a Basic of Reservoir Capacity Design as Renewable Energy Resource | Penulis 1 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of RENEWABLE ENERGY RESEARCH |
2024 | Advancing Soil Erosion Assessment: Application of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Techniques in Bulango Ulu Reservoir Basin | E3S Web of Conferences 476, 01041 (2024) | Internasional Bereputasi | |
2023 | Effect of groundsill on the local scouring at around of soeharto bridge piers | AIP Conference Proceeding, Volume 2629, Issue 1 | Internasional | |
2020 | Analisis Hubungan Kecepatan Rerata Dengan Kecepatan Permukaan Untuk Penentuan Kekasaran Dasar Pada Aliran Saluran Terbuka | Penulis 2 | ||
2019 | Distribusi Kecepatan Aliran dan Distribusi Konsentrasi Sedimen Suspensi Pada Sungai Alami (Studi Kasus Sungai Opak di Yogyakarta) | Penulis 2 | Civil Engineering And Environmental Symposium 2018 | Nasional |
2018 | The Simplified of Suspended Sediment Measurement Method for Predicting Suspended Sediment Discharge in Natural River (Case Study of Opak River, Yogyakarta, Indonesia) | Penulis 1 | Proceeding of the 21 st IAHR-APD Congress 2018 "Multi-Perspective Water For Sustainable Development | Internasional |
2018 | Estimating Spatially Distributed of Sediment Yield with Gis-Rusle-Sedd Model in Catchment of Reservoir in Java | Penulis 2 | Proceeding of the 21 st IAHR-APD Congress 2018 "Multi-Perspective Water For Sustainable Development" | Internasional |
2017 | Suspended Sediment Flow Characteristics in Non-Uniform Open Channel | Penulis 2 | 37th IAHR World Congress Proceedings "Managing Water for Sustainable Development, Learning From the Past for the Future" | Internasional |
2017 | Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport along a Channel with Underwater Sill | Penulis 3 | Engineering Physics International Conference | Internasional |
2017 | Integrated Remote Sending and Geographic Information System Based RUSLE Model for Spasial Prediction of Soil Loss in Cathcmen of Selorejo Reservoir, East Java | Penulis 2 | 2nd International Conference on Science and Technology ICST 2017 in The Tropic | Internasional |
2017 | Determining Sediment Delivery Ratio of Catchment of Reservoir in Central Java | Penulis 2 | Konferensi Nasional Pascasarjana Teknik Sipil (KNPTS) 2017 | Nasional |
2017 | Comparative Analysis of Water Quality Indices | Penulis 3 | 37th IAHR World Congress Proceedings "Managing Water for Sustainable Development, Learning From the Past for the Future" | Internasional |
2016 | Soil Loss Prediction Using Rusle-Gis Framework in Catchments of Reservoir in Central Java | Penulis 1 | Internasional Seminar HATHI Bali 2016 | Internasional |
2016 | Prediksi Distribusi Sedimen pada Kasus Daerah Tangkapan Air Waduk PB. Sudirman | Penulis 1 | Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT) HATHI XXXIII | Nasional |
2016 | Numerical Simulation of Flow and Sediment Transport along a Channel with Underwater Sill | Penulis 2 | Asia Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro Environment Engineering & Research | Internasional |
2016 | Freezing Concentration at AODs Toxicity Test | Penulis 3 | AIP Conference Proceeding, 1755, 060003(201); doi; 10.10631/1.4958494 | Internasional |
2016 | Debit Sedimen Suspensi pada Belokan Saluran Tampang Trapesium | Penulis 2 | Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT) HATHI XXXIII | Nasional |
2023 | Impacts of Climate Change on Characteristics of Rainfall Events in Mt. Merapi | Anggota Peneliti | RKAT | |
2023 | Evaluating Manning's Roughness Coefficient for Flows with Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Sediment Transport | Ketua Peneliti | RKAT | |
2019 | Desain Alternatif Bangunan Bendung Adaptif untuk Sungai dengan Aliran Debris | Anggota Penelitian | Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi | DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA |
2019 | Penentuan Nilai Kekasaran Manning yang Adaptif untuk Analisa Banjir pada Sungai di Indonesia | Ketua Penelitian | Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi | DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA |
2017 | Metode Pengukuran Debit Sedimen Suspensi pada Sungai Alami-Studi Kasus pada Sungai Opak dan Sungai Kuning | Ketua Penelitian | DTSL FT UGM | DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA |
2016 | Karakteristik Aliran Sedimen Suspensi pada Saluran Terbuka Tampang Segi Empat dan Trapesium (Characteristics of Suspended Sediment Flow in Rectangle and Trapezoid Open Channels) | Ketua Penelitian | Anggaran BPPTNBH Fakultas Teknik UGM | DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA |